
Standard Simulation Models

customized models are available for sale upon request. This requires a minimum level of software engineering.


Here our standard training models:

Până acum a fost necesar să se construiască cablajul complex pentru o emulare hardware și nu se puteau testa în mod corespunzător multe funcții.
Avantajele tale:
  • commissioning becomes significantly easier & thus faster, as the corner cases have been tested in the simulation already
  • depanarea devine semnificativ mai uÈ™oară
  • clienÈ›ii finali au convenit în alte proiecte să înlocuiască testul de acceptare din fabrică cu simularea
  • the simulation might help to on-board new staff members on these complex products in a cost-effective way


  • applying loads based on your own requirements with your own load profiles
  • există o simulare a generatoarelor pe gaz / diesel cu modele standard de grupuri electrogene (fiind aproape de realitate)
  • simularea este într-adevăr foarte asemănătoare cu construirea de grupuri electrogene reale pentru un test de acceptare din fabrică
  • este posibil să se simuleze comportamentul operaÈ›ional total
  • vor fi necesare doar modificări minore între modelul de simulare È™i realitate (de exemplu, pentru grupurile electrogene specifice diesel/gaz)
  • utility forming / following
  • Import / export control
  • synchronization and dead bus bar closure
  • photovoltaic with different loading scenarios
  • sequencing of gensets under different loading scenarios (load dependent start & stop)
  • verify parameterized logic 

Software Functions

  • create your own power consumers
  • create your own sequences

What we don’t do

  • simulate the power lines for (wiring design, impedances, protection profiles for various ANSI codes)


Part Number
10-059-783 easYsim – 3 MONTHS ACCESS (NO SUBSCRIPTION) used for one Email address



Custom scenarios available upon request

  • your single line diagram (* requires a minimum level of software engineering)
  • controllers like LS-6XT, GC-3400XT-P1, DSLC-2XT, MSLC-2XT, easYi, easYgen-3000XT Series

software features: easYsim 

create your own charts

Simulation Chart Design

create your own sequences

  • increase & decrease power consumption
  • grid failure and grid power return

* feature under development

VNC viewer on tablet and laptop

easYsim | VNC to visualize controls

interconnect to gensets in the simulation with a VNC client on various devices within your network

  • remote panel RP-3000XT
  • any Laptop with a VNC viewer
  • any smartphone with a VNC viewer app

(also available for on-premises applications “easYsim | on-prem”)
